Organizational Structure

The Cluster Initiative is made up of the following organizational structure. This organizational chart is interactive. Click on a component to learn more about each role in the organizational structure.

Organizational Chart

Cluster Working Groups (at the discretion of the Group Chair)

Provide a forum for tangible cooperation

Take forward topic specific opportunities on behalf of the Cluster Members


Advisory Board

Make recommendations on Cluster Initiative policy

Make recommendations on Cluster Initiative priority Services & Activities

Support the Cluster Initiative’s Services & Activities through their individual expertise and networks

Advocate on behalf of the Clusters and the Clusters’ interests


Orlando Economic Partnership


Public relations

Cluster Services & Activities

Member relations

External resources


Cluster Management Team


Public relations

Cluster Services & Activities

Member relations

External resources

Administration & finance


Cluster Members

Leverage cluster services individually and collectively

Pursue opportunities through collaboration with fellow Cluster Members and Central Florida’s assets

Help shape and prioritize cluster activities

Take advantage of tangible opportunities identified by the Cluster Team and fellow Cluster Members

Cluster Management Team Advisory Board Orlando Economic Partnership Energy & Environmental Sciences - Cluster Memebrs Gaming, Entertainment & eSports - Cluster Members Learning Sciences - Cluster Members Life Sciences - Cluster Members Semiconductors - Cluster Members Cluster Working Groups Cluster Working Groups Cluster Working Groups Cluster Working Groups
Advisory Board Role

Make recommendations on Cluster Initiative policy

Make recommendations on Cluster Initiative priority Services & Activities

Support the Cluster Initiative’s Services & Activities through their individual expertise and networks

Advocate on behalf of the Clusters and the Clusters’ interests

Cluster Management Team Role


Public relations

Cluster Services & Activities

Member relations

External resources

Administration & finance

Cluster Members Role

Leverage cluster services individually and collectively

Pursue opportunities through collaboration with fellow Cluster Members and Central Florida’s assets

Participate in Working Groups on topics of interest (eg. workforce, research, infrastructure)

Help shape and prioritize cluster activities

Take advantage of tangible opportunities identified by the Cluster Team and Working Groups

Cluster Working Groups Role

Provide a forum for tangible cooperation

Take forward topic specific opportunities on behalf of the Cluster Members

Cluster Team

The Cluster Team is comprised of a core group of experts with significant experience in Central Florida and in cluster related activities worldwide.

Paul Sohl - Cenfluence - CEO, Florida High Tech Corridor Council

Paul Sohl, Rear Adm. USN (Ret)

CEO, Florida High Tech Corridor

Steve Nakagawa Program Director


Program Director

Mark Spinoglio

Mark Spinoglio

Cluster Advisor & International Services Provider

Jack Henkel - Cluster Program Director

Jack Henkel

Senior Cluster Manager

Davena Brothers Cluster Manager


Senior Cluster Manager


Cluster Manager

Lisa Rain

Cluster Manager

Kelly Shea

Cluster Coordinator